
Jones Patricia Jane

In Loving Memory of

Patricia Jane Jones

(Maiden: Lawson)
of Edmonton, Alberta
May 28, 2024



Tricia was gracious, elegant and warm-hearted and I loved working with her on the SDAB. We maintained contact after but regretfully Covid and life interferes with our get togethers for tea. I wish her family peace and comfort in the knowledge that Tricia positively impacted many people and will be missed. Her legacy however will live on in her children and grandchildren. Let them be inspired by her life so well-lived.
posted by Nancy Hack : I served for several terms with Tricia on served Edmonton?s Subdivision and Development and Appeal Board and as a friend. : Jun 27, 2024


I am so sorry for the loss of your mother, she brought a positive energy to our board and shared her knowledge made many suggestions to improve events at the Unit. Her high energy level was a great asset to her volunteer work with us. It was a real pleasure to work with her. She will be greatly missed in the Edmonton community. Lynda Harker
posted by Lynda Harker : Trica was a member of the Canadian Cancer Society Edmonton Unit Board of Directors in the 90's when I was the Unit Director. : Jun 25, 2024


Tikker and I have known Patricia almost since we first set foot in Alberta over 50 years ago. She and Frank were amazingly welcoming from the first moment we met them. After two years in Edmonton, we were able to purchase a house that had been little changed since it was built in 1941 and it required a great deal of work. Frank and Patricia invited us (and, more dangerously, our new dachshund puppy) to stay in their house for 6 weeks while they spent the summer at Honey Harbour in Ontario. This enabled us to strip all the old wallpaper and paint the house before we moved in. We later visited them at the well-named Rosebushes Road in Epsom, Surrey, while Frank was on sabbatical and again at Honey Harbour when we had a 5 month old baby in tow. On all of these occasions, Patricia demonstrated her renowned patience and hospitality. Frank practised law in Toronto from about 1974. When the deanship of the law school became vacant, I was asked by some colleagues, while I was at a conference in Toronto to see if I might persuade him to let his name stand a a candidate for Dean. He was keen to return and, as a result, Frank and Patricia, Bruce, Heather and Wendy all moved back to Edmonton in 1976 and shortly afterwards became our neighbours. We all looked forward to parties and dinners at the their house celebrating dignitaries who were visiting the Faculty. These events afforded Patricia the opportunity to show off her seemingly effortless (but undoubtedly painstaking) skills as a hostess, chef and organizer par excellence. She had a gift for involving everyone in the room in the conversation (no matter how difficult they might be!) and putting people at ease. In recent years, we enjoyed chatting to Patricia while dog-walking, but we had no idea that she was suffering from cancer. Much as we talked, I fear that we never did express our gratitude to her for making us feel so at home in early years in Edmonton or our admiration for her achievements. We miss her and offer our deepest sympathies to Frank, Heather and Wendy
posted by David and Tikker Percy : We have been friends, neighbours and colleagues for almost 55 years : Jun 24, 2024


I am sorry for the loss of your mother. She was an exceptional woman who gave with all her heart. Tricia was always ready to help and lead with her wisdom. Her calm, steady influence will be missed, as will her welcoming, gracious presence.
posted by Rowena Yurchuk : I knew Tricia through P.E.O. and through QUESTERS. She was a vital member of both groups. She became a dear friend. : Jun 15, 2024


Heather and Kate, my deepest sympathy for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family.
posted by Lesley Levett : Family friend to Heather, Kate, Bailey (& Maddie) : Jun 12, 2024


Dear Heather and Wendy, I was sad to hear about your Mother. I just had a nice visit when I saw her at Vi?s and she told be about her returning breast cancer diagnosis. She also told me about your father and his new living situation. It is always a shock to lose a loved one. She will always remain in your hearts and memory. Vicki
posted by Vicki Vaitkunas : In the Junior League of Edmonton with her : Jun 12, 2024